Economic Development Technical Assistance
We provide technical assistance and consulting services to assist Appalachian Ohio communities and industries to better understand their economic situation, accurately forecast upcoming opportunities and threats, and develop effective plans for future success.
Economic Impact Analysis
The Voinovich School utilizes IMPLAN (Impact Analysis for Planning), an industry standard modeling software for measuring the economic impact of changes in the local, regional, or state economy, such as a plant closure or new plant opening. IMPLAN analysis reports out the impact on jobs, employee compensation, labor income, and more. This includes direct impact, such as people who are hired to work at a new company, as well as indirect impact (such as increased revenue and employment due to the new company’s effect on its suppliers). It also looks at induced impact, which measures how the spending of those employed by the company and its suppliers effects the economy. For example, an IMPLAN analysis might show that, for every job created at a new facility, a total of 2.5 jobs (1 job at the facility + 1.5 jobs in the supply chain or as a result of household spending) are created in the local economy. Our faculty and staff have received advanced training in this technique and conducted over 30 economic impact analyses for clients.
Strategic Planning
provides communities with an effective tool for envisioning their future and taking the steps needed to make it a reality. At the Voinovich School, we have experienced faculty and staff to help:
Feasibility Studies
A feasibility study is an assessment of the practicality of a proposed project or system. Will it succeed and under what circumstances? The Voinovich School has the capability and resources to provide assessments in a variety of areas:
Opportunity Zones
provide an exciting new economic development tool, but communities often need assistance to fully capitalize on their ability to generate increased local investments. The Voinovich School can leverage its expertise in venture capital, angel investment, and entrepreneurship support to help communities become investment ready. This includes identifying best strategies for attracting investment and identifying patient capital targets that may invest in these Opportunity Zones. Assistance can also be provided to select communities that lack Opportunity Zones but contain other assets to attract investment.